Направо към навигацията
Направо към търсенето
http://www.pythonchallenge.com/ | The first programming riddle on the net. |
https://cmdchallenge.com/ | Web application that presents small shell challenges. |
http://guesshub.io/ | GIT guessing game. |
http://flexboxfroggy.com/ | Help Froggy and friends by writing CSS code. |
http://cssgridgarden.com/ | Write CSS code to grow your carrot garden. |
http://notpron.org/notpron/ | The hardest riddle available on the ineternet. |
https://vim-adventures.com/ | Learning VIM while playing a game. |
https://www.codewars.com/ | Improve your skills by training with others on real code challenges. |
https://www.root-me.org/ | The fast, easy, and affordable way to train your hacking skills. |
https://www.codingame.com/ | The new way to improve your programming skills while having fun and getting noticed. |